I love this app but is there a way we can sync it with the MacBook???? I would pay for that
I love this app but is there a way we can sync it with the MacBook???? I would pay for that
Bought the premium version unlock immediately. Wonderful personal financing app.
I switch to this app to replace iReconcile. So far, this App is working out great. Both the iPhone and iPad version sync very well with the MacOS version via iCloud. Would have given 5 stars for the iPhone/iPad versions if they could show the Payee name in the list display. Looking forward to future updares.
Had less than stellar experiences with similar products. This one delivers on every promise. Fast, easy, syncs correctly, accurate. A great product all around.
Great app for managing finances. The sync is INSTANT and the app is super easy to use.
Great app for money tracking!
Better than the most. Sync with the desktop app perfectly.
Of all the similar apps I tried, its the most complete and at the same time easy to use. Only one caveat- you cannot change the date of entry. Every entry its reflected on the day its enter so you cant enter a forgotten entry in the corresponding date. Even after that - really good. Recommend it.
A fairly simple-to-use app that is very helpful for tracking money.
01/17/2016 Still the best and now with color themes! Thanks for all the polish on this app. Its perfect. ------------------------------ 01/01/2016 Ive used every solution out there for managing our accounts. Debit & Credit is perfect for anyone with a small business and a need to manage their household accounts. A very polished product and essentially idiot proof. A must buy for everyone!
Great app! Simple and easy to use. I just do hope that theres a widget where one could debit and credit easily. I just hope though that there is a loaning/lending category.
Been a user since almost the first day. This is the best and simplest finance app that Ive found. Its so good, that I actually use it.
If you’re OK without online syncing transactions via a service of some sort, your search is over — this is >the< app you’re looking for. I’d previously used Mint, but was shocked during a recent tech support session. One of my accounts wasn’t syncing properly and during the attempt to resolve it, the tech support person made it apparent they have access to all my account and transaction details. I’d rather my transactions are between myself and the financial service provider, not a 3rd party. I’ve tried all the major iOS personal finance apps, and they all store your account data on 3rd party servers if you’re utilizing sync functionality. Ideally, an app would store your credentials on your device only and sync directly with banks — may someday an app like that will come out, but right now there isn’t one. Enter Debit & Credit. The only syncing it does is between your devices via iCloud — and it does so instantaneously. I purchased the Mac version as well. While it doesn’t sync directly with banks, I’ve been able to import OFX, QFX, QIF and CSV files downloaded from my banks. An added bonus is the Apple Watch app which lets me quickly add transactions. Was happy to read there were different color themes in this version, but alas, they’re all fugly. Except for the purple option, they’re all a bit of an eyestrain to use. Dark gray would be be much appreciated. I’d like to see a little more functionality with payee renaming on file imports. Currently, an >exact< match will rename, but there isn’t an if/then option. An example would be Amazon.com transactions — they are often formatted slightly different, so my Payee list has 9 different Amazon.com entries so far. Same with New York City taxicabs, no 2 cabs have the same payee name, but they all have the phrase ‘NYC taxi’ — currently, D&C requires a payee-rename entry for each one. Ideally: ‘if payee includes [NYC taxi] then rename [Taxi]’ If you delete a payee from the Payee List in settings, the payee info for any previously entered transactions using that payee are changed to ‘General Transaction’ — not a fun lesson to learn and really shouldn’t work that way.
This app functions as designed. Simple and easy to use. I would have given it 5 stars if the transaction list showed the payee (as the Mac version does), and if the app could do split transactions.
Was using App to keep track of business expenses. One the update came out all accounts were deleted and everything was lost.
If you are looking for a streamlined and simple account balancing app, this is it! No "bells n whistles" iCloud sync between Mac and iPhone is great and the customer support is fantastic! Try it now!
Is simple and easy to use. Manages FX currencies very well.
Simple & easy. The charts it gives are great, and helps me readjust my spending. Great that I can track as I spend with my phone, or do it on the weekend on my MacBook
Up to now I have been making a note of my spending, as I shop, on my iPhone. With this app on my Apple Watch though, I find it much more convenient to use then having to take out my iPhone every time that I have to make an entry. I like too that I can chose from my payee list right on the watch rather than having to speak the payee name as I had to do on another watch app that I tried, plus all my transactions are listed right on the watch so I dont have to go to my iPhone to see them.
Please add color to the transactions and balances on the Apple Watch. Green for income and red for expenses. This will make it much more easier on the eyes. As it stands currently I have to look for the little minus sign to differentiate income from expenses on the Apple Watch. I also wish you would add the ability to delete transactions from the watch app. Lastly, could you increase the amount you are able to add or deduct from the Apple Watch. As it stands currently it maxes out at 999.99. Would love to be able to add transactions in the thousands range. I will increase to 5 stars if you add the requested tweaks. Other than the above requested features this app is wonderful. The best finance app Ive used to date. Thanks!