This app is very close to what Im looking for an beats everything else for the price. Entering transactions is easy and unlike moneydashboard or similar web apps it allows you to track cash and create your own categories. The phone app also works really well. The only things Id like to see improved functioning on are: 1) I cant seem to add subcategories--only main ones 2) Id like to be able to see budgets in a view other than as a side task bar. It would be nice to have the ability to better visualize budgets with graphs etc. 3) it would be nice to have categories work in net. For example If I pay 200 pounds for a hostel but recieve 150 back from my friends, it would be nice if that showed as a 50 dollar expense vs a 200 expense and a 150 income--which then somewhat skew my budgets. Other than hose minor things this app is excellent. Definitely recommend
RobMS about Debit & Credit, v1.5.1